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Monday 8 March 2010

Another week - 8 days until next hols!

For Sunday's adventures hill-walking, read the football blog. Yes - I am sore today.

We had Skyped Kelly first thing in the morning and Lucy phoned in the evening, so that was nice. We had watched the Hurt Locker on Saturday evening then awoke this morning to discover that it had scooped the Oscars. I thought it was pretty good - atmospheric - but the jury's still out for Jo - and Gary didn't think much of it either.

It was Fraserburgh for me again today - the first of 4 planned days there in a row. Luckily, I'm now off the hook on this one as my meeting there on Wednesday afternoon has been re-scheduled for Aberdeen instead - that's a bit of a relief. I'm back tomorrow, however - unfortunately for a funeral. The former factory manager of our canning plant (Peter White), who had retired (early) in September, died last week after undergoing a number of operations in hospital in recent weeks - how tragic. The church will be mobbed - the whole town will be there.

I've decided my knee has now made sufficient recovery for me to chance a game of squash again tomorrow - hope it holds up OK - and that my aching legs ease up a bit too.

I've got a lot to do in the next 8 days at work - going to be busy.

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