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Friday 12 February 2010

Grr - TGIF

Well, our boiler is sorted now. The gas man was there when I got home, so I got the full story from the horse's mouth, rather than the abridged and censored version I would otherwise have received from Jo and Ross. Last night I watched the recording of the previous night's Match of the Day and Jo went up to her computer and busied herself for a few hours.

When I checked the blogs this morning, I assumed there would be a lengthy confession/explanation of why we had to call the gas man out yesterday - but, no - nothing. I'm left with no alternative therefore but to "out" Jo on this one. The reason our boiler broke down is because she put a plant pot right next to the flue outside, blocking it and thus stopping the boiler from operating! Duh!

Of course, it could just be another of her Machiavellian ( plots - she has long been complaining about dead spots in some of our radiators and with a captive gas man yesterday she was able to explore this further. The result - another bill for £800 + to power flush and magna clean our system!

Do you wonder why I'm a little more than my usual tetchy self this morning? I'm looking forward to a few beers tonight - I'll need them by then! Of course, not being able to do any exercise just now doesn't help my mood - I'm giving my knee every chance to recover before we go to Marrakech. Last night I made an appointment to see the physio - Monday at 7:45 pm.

To lighten the mood a little, I spent some time last night doing some advance preparation for our next headbang (5th March) - I always enjoy watching some snippets of the videos - I don't watch them all - anticipation is part of the pleasure.

Lots of holidays coming up, but there's also a threat that our flights to USA could be affected by the planned ballot of staff in BA re industrial action - it was stopped by the courts when they originally planned this for the Christmas holiday period, but now it's scheduled for March. Fingers crossed.

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