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Friday 5 February 2010

Friday frets

You would think people would be happy when you get to the end of the week - not so in here - this morning's meetings have been very fractious with some in-fighting and bitching going on. There's only one female present so that can't be the reason (joke!) - maybe it's biorhythms or the time of the year or the weather - who knows?

On to happier tmes - yesterday we received the following postcard - from the Utah Valley Tourist Board - we must have left our details at one of their visitor centres:

Doesn't this just look like Jo and I out on one of our walks last year? Obviously, the couple in the postcard aren't as fit, strong, or as well-prepared as we were, but otherwise it could be us. Oh happy times.

I had a busy afternoon yesterday - got my watch fixed (the back came off again), had a haircut, got my car washed and also managed a quick trip in to Meldrum House Hotel to have a look at potential accommodation for the wedding in October. All the rooms were occupied so I couldn't see inside any of them, but I got a nice feel for the place - it's lovely. They're currently doing up the rooms in the main hotel building so I was advised to come back in March to look at them - and also the separate stable block opposite. I saw round the function room, but the marquee won't go up until March so I'll see that then as well. My main reason for visiting was to see where the lodge house is - it's a 5 bedroom place, with separate lock-offs and a central living room and kitchen area, so it's good for a large family to stay in. It is, however, right at the entrance to the grounds and must be 500 yards or so from the other hotel buildings - it would be a long walk back and forwards. I've played the golf course there a couple of times - but not for a few years. That would definitely be weather dependent, however.

Just had a text from Kelly - she's arrived in Melbourne and says it is "freezing" - yeah, right! That said, it's a lot warmer here today - which means we have positive degrees C for a change!

Jo and Ross are heading off to see Avatar 3D this afternoon and I'm hoping to get a game of squash later on - if I can get out of this particular hell-hole in time.

All that's left is Word of the Day - DISTRAIT (dis-tray) - adjective - Divided or withdrawn in attention, especially because of anxiety. Quote:

Yet when she stopped for a cup of coffee, finding herself too distrait to begin work, the picture was in the course of being removed from the window.
— Falling Slowly, Anita Brookner

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Have Fun

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