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Sunday 16 August 2009

Weekend almost over

Just the usual really - pub and golf - oh and we watched Tarantino's There Will Be Blood last night. It's a long film - Jo thought it was a little inconclusive - she likes neat and happy endings - but I thought it was pretty interesting - I stayed awake so it couldn't have been that bad. Daniel Day Lewis was pretty impressive.

Lucy Skyped us tonight - the morning after the showering and her guests have all gone. Ross said hello but he's not in good shape - sore throat, cough etc - we're all trying to persuade him to sleep upstairs tonight - but he'd be deprived of his creature comforts, so I doubt it. Still, he'll have to move next week as we're getting his room (and some others) painted - it was originally supposed to start tomorrow but with him not being well - plus Jo going in to blind panic when she realised it had come upon her so soon - I've put it off for another week.

Yes, I did order my new car on Friday - Black Sapphire exterior paintwork and Grey Dakota leather inside - plus a USB port for my Archos - that's if I ever get it back - I had to send it back for repair on Friday as the power had just completely gone. It started to act up on the journey over to USA and now it's totally gone.

Tonight I'm channel hopping between Andy Murray in the final of the Toronto Masters and the US PGA golf. Lucy didn't know who Andy Murray was! No. 2 in the world now!

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