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Sunday 14 December 2008

Sunday 2nd post

I walked along to the shops and picked up my Sunday Times and, when I got home, I went to take my usual seat and suddenly thought to myself - why is it so uncomfortable? From the very first time we bought this settee, the place that I sit very quickly seemed to depress. I know it's fairly well used, but it shouldn't have collapsed so quickly. I'm disappointed in it - perhaps we should have complained at the start? I decided to take a picture, but it doesn't really demonstrate the point, does it?

Anyway, in the course of taking the photo, I broke off the tiniest corner of my camera's battery latch. It still takes photos but I couldn't download them to my PC as I kept getting a warning that the battery compartment was open, so I had to search for the fragment and try to sellotape it back in to place. It works, but it's only a short-term fix because any time I have to charge the battery, I have to remove it from the camera and this will mean un-sellotaping and re-sellotaping each time - that's sure to infuriate me.

Perhaps the script was already written - I've never quite taken to this camera the way I always enjoyed my previous Fujis - maybe a new one is now on the horizon!

Don't you just hate it when products you buy aren't quite what you wanted or expected?

Has Cade guessed yet where I was in the photo on my previous blog? Come to think of it, Cade hasn't posted anything to the blog recently - but, then again, nor has Lucy - and Scott has still to make his debut too.

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