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Sunday 16 November 2008

Beautiful Sunday

Another glorious day - golf was fun, even although it was cold - dry and sunny is always good. I had a chance to have a quick chat with Doris in the car park - she finally managed to get Dave to go back to the hospital on Thursday and he's now officially been diagnosed with vascular dementia - it's a relief that the D word is finally in use - perhaps some progress will be made now. They're going back for another scan on Tuesday. Doris also volunteered the information that she thinks Dave can manage golf at Banchory - familiar surroundings with friends he can probably just about cope with - perhaps the occasional day trip away as well - but, by deduction, he won't be able to go on golf holidays with us any more. I'm glad Doris said that and we didn't have to tell her.

Dave has also been stopped from driving - that's another relief - but what a shame - he's 3 weeks younger than me.

A spot of TV watching and snoozing and then darkness falls suddenly - the days are getting really short in NE Scotland. We're catching up with Stephen Fry in America - Wyoming and Idaho so far. Last night we couldn't find anything on TV to watch so I started trawling and stumbled across Father of the Bride - what a great film - Steve Martin is so funny and his films have a nice mixture of bitter/sweet pathos. Who can forget "Fronck" the wedding organiser, played by Martin Short?

Gary's replacement birthday present arrived yesterday - he says he will come and pick it up soon. We Skyped with Lucy yesterday - Cade and Braeden were in good form and you'll have heard about Cade's project from Jo's blog - feel free to add your own bit of "Scottishness" for him. Would some Scottish lists help Cade? People:

John Logie Baird - invented TV
Sean Connery - the first James Bond on film
Andrew Carnegie - of Carnegie Hall fame - steel magnate and philanthropist
Alexander Graham Bell - invented the telephone - "Ma Bell" named after him
John McAdam - modern road construction ("tarmacadam")
Sir Alexander Fleming - penicillin
Charles Macintosh - waterproofing (coats used to called macs or macintoshes)
Tony Blair & Gordon Brown - last 2 Prime Ministers of UK - both born in Scotland
Things we eat:
Mince & tatties
How's that for starters, Cade?

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