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Sunday 25 March 2007

Thu/Fri/Sat 22-24 Mar 07

Thought I'd already done my blog for Thursday but it doesn't appear to be there, so here goes again. Largely uneventful day - Fraserburgh management meetings in the morning, Aberdeen in the afternoon. Got to Bannatyne's just before 4 and had a good session in the gym and pool. On the way home, I popped in to Inchmarlo and hit some balls - got to practice my drills before my next lesson on Saturday.
On Friday morning, I took Ross and Harris to their work and picked them up again at 4:30. I was playing football so Ross dropped me off at the Beach and took the car home and I got a lift back to Banchory with Malcolm, who always goes for a burger after playing, so I experienced this as well for the first time! Malcolm drove me straight to Scott Skinner's, which meant I didn't get home until 10:30 or so, by which time Jo was asleep - she'd cooked the tea and had to eat it alone - maybe it wasn't such a good idea to get a lift back to Banchory.
Saturday morning 10:00 a.m. and back to Inchmarlo for my 4th lesson from Andrew Locke. Hadn't practised or played much since the last one - and it showed. Seems I had gone backwards and I now have much work to do with the season starting.
I did some more work on setting up Jo's Ipod and also printed off the photos of Luca on photographic paper, as requested by Carole.
I was hoping for a game of racquetball at 5:30 but by the time I had got up to the courts, the rest of the guys, who had been playing doubles, were in the showers - so it was straight to the pub for a couple of beers before we went round to Keith and Annette's for a little social gathering and a nice buffet. Irene Page had organised taxis to take us to and from, but the return driver showed up early and started hassling us to leave now or not at all! We reluctantly put our coats on, but by the time we went out, he had scarpered!
Thankfully, we got a lift back with Pat McGonnigle, who wasn't drinking - it was late enough anyway, especially as the clocks were going forward.

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