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Sunday 14 August 2022

Be a Brewer

It's been a bit of a heavy week for me - my old school reunion in Glasgow on Tuesday, golf and a CAMRA social on Wednesday, a walk in Upper Deeside on Friday, then Jo and I attended a "Be a Brewer for a day" session with 5 other local CAMRA members at Burnside Brewery in Laurencekirk, which meant an early start on Saturday morning. Here's Jo waiting for the morning bus in to Aberdeen:

We both got involved in stirring the mash, adding the hops, clearing the mash tun and all the other jobs involved in a day's brewing:

Tapping a Pin

Jo and I took advantage of the continuing great weather and took a drive over to St. Cyrus' Nature Reserve, just north of Montrose, on Thursday. A lovely long beach backed by tall cliffs:

My walk on Friday afternoon with 3 of my pals from our hill-walking group involved a drive out to a spot a few miles past Braemar, for a lovely hike out to Loch Callater:

It was the "Glorious 12th" - the first day of the grouse shooting season - so it was no surprise to us when we were passed on the track by a Range Rover with Prince Charles at the wheel. Three hours later he passed us again, going back, but this time in the passenger seat.

Tomorrow (Monday) morning, I'm off to East Lothian for golf and an overnight stay at Longniddry. I'm meeting up with 2 of my old school pals (one of whom hasn't been able to join the last few reunions) in Edinburgh on the way home. Wednesday is the gas service and a curry in the evening with the Masons and Kilgours. Thursday is my annual appointment with the cardiologist. On Friday, I have my first telephone consultation with the NHS physiotherapist. I had my knee x-rayed last Friday but I've been told it'll be 2 weeks before my doctor gets the results. I've no idea why it takes so long in this digital age. Then on Sunday, we're off to the Fringe again.

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