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Monday 31 May 2021

May no more

After pretty pathetic weather for most of the month, finally May has improved in the last few days, and it's time for me to do a quick blog update. There have been brief moments of fair weather - one of them was when Jo and I went for a walk and ended up at Banchory Lodge for coffee:
We returned to Banchory Lodge just a few days later to have dinner with the Kilgours and the Masons - the first time for about 18 months. I had booked us in to one of the new sheds at the Sitooterie:
We left the door of the shed open early on but closed it later as the evening chill came in - it was very cosy then with the overhead heater on! On Friday, Jo and I did another (virtual) wine and cheese tasting with the Strong Water Company. Earlier I had been out on my bike going past the Falls of Dess:
That's it for now - we're off in to the sun for a walk along the river.

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