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Monday 12 February 2018

Adelaide (1)

Having spent our first night in our new home for the next 5 weeks, we suddenly realised what was missing in the unit - a washing machine. The nearest laundry was 15 minutes' walk away - not really convenient when carrying a week's worth of dirty washing, but Kelly came to our rescue and cleaned everything at hers.

Saturday was the day of Chris' proper birthday party over at brother Matt's unit (just around the corner from Chris' and Kelly's). Dad and Mum, David and Lorene, were there, as was Amanda, Matt's ex-wife and their daughter Abigail. The last time we'd been here for a birthday party it was stinking hot and it was a job trying to keep cool. This time, it wasn't half as bad with temperatures in the mid 20's C.

Chris and Matt hit the town later, meeting up with some friends, but Kelly, Jo and I opted for a quiet night.

Sunday morning was "free" so Jo and I walked along to nearby Brighton and had coffee and a cake at one of the cafes that we'd been to in years gone by:

Once we'd walked back along the beach, we arrived at our unit to find a pile of clean washing outside - well done Kelly - that was quick! Kelly took us out to the "fancy" shopping mall at Pasadena, where there were all kinds of delights and we could have spent hours there were it not for the fact that Kelly had to get back to Chris as they were going shopping for new laminate flooring. We would look after the boys for an hour or so.

Chris was cooking tonight - stir fry with black rice - very nice. Miller showed off his present from Santa - a trampoline:

Then he filled the shell:

Now it was Miller's turn to take control of my camera and he came up with the following portraits:




 Finally, time for a bit of TV watching with little brother:

Monday morning now and we've been to the boys' pre-school, Casa Bambino, so we're now authorised to take them out and bring them back to our place and Chris and Kelly will come here too for tea tonight - Jo's made Spag Bog.

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