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Wednesday 9 August 2017

Midweek update

So what day is it now? So easy to lose track of time, especially when neither of us are on top of the world. It's over a month since we picked up this respiratory bug down south and it just refuses to go away. I thought I was finally on the mend a week ago, but it sneaks back and hits you again when you least expect it. Not that we're totally out of it or anything - we can still get about our daily rituals OK, but we - certainly me anyway - don't feel much like stretching ourselves at all. A couple of short cycles, 2 games of golf and a few very short trail walks is about all we've managed.

Days are largely spent eating, drinking - the bug hasn't stopped us doing that! - and shopping. It's been too hot these last 10 days or so - once it gets in to the 100's F, it's difficult to do anything in the middle of the day.

Scott joined me again on Monday on the one hour drive up to lovely Myrtle Creek for a round of golf at what was now been renamed Cougar Canyon golf course. We doubt if cougars actually roam the course - at least not during the day - as there were families of young deer who weren't scared off by any golfers.

Yesterday (Tuesday) morning, we arranged to go for a short hike on the Shan Creek Trail. Lovely spot, but after a mile or so, Jo - and Scott - had had enough and we headed back. It was too hot for Jo - and there was a bit of climbing involved - and the trails were fairly narrow with poison oak, something Scott's allergic to, overlapping. Lots of photos on FB already, but here's a few more that didn't make it:

Resting on the rocks on the creek

Just about as far as Jo could manage

The trail was a little hard to follow in places, but we knew there was a log crossing point, so I went over.

At the other side of the creek there's another log with notches in it, leading upwards. I decided to climb up to see if it took us to the trail again. It didn't.

There was a lovely spot where there was a swimming hole. Perhaps the boys will try out some rock jumping there some time.
We had lunch once more at White Horse RV park - and very nice it was too.

There's a new slushie/smoothie type outlet in GP. The base liquid is one of 5 exotic fruits whose names we'd never heard of before:

They add various fruits, granola etc. We've tried it a couple of times - very interesting.

So today (Wednesday), Lucy drove Scott over to the hospital in Medford for some neurology tests - something that Lucy wanted to get done as a reassurance that all's well. It'll be another 2 weeks before Scott hopefully gets the all-clear from the doctor and he can finally discard that annoying neck collar, which must be even worse in this heat.

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