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Thursday 23 June 2016

Two falls and a submission

It's Wednesday evening. The Lesinas are packing for their annual camp at Ballard. This year, they're not taking the trailer - we're sleeping in it just now and it would probably have been too much bother to get it ready for them for a few days and then back to us on Sunday/Monday, so they're taking tents for the first time - although Karen and Bill have their trailer there with room for at least 2 others, so we'll see who lasts the course in the tents.

We've not long returned from Ashland, picking up Cade from his last day at football camp. We watched him for a while, but then Jo and I took off on bikes along the Bear Creek Greenway. We had to get to the trail first, however, from Southern Oregon University. T'internet told me it was a mere 9 minute ride, but guess how long it took us? Exactly one hour! Sure, there was a bit of traffic and Jo wasn't keen to ride in it, but the principal problem was that she couldn't engage the brakes on Braeden's bike for some reason. As a result, she insisted on walking all downhill stretches.

I confess I couldn't understand the problem the first time I looked at it, but I burst out laughing when I finally sussed it the second time I stopped to see what the problem was. Jo was riding the bike with the front wheel round the wrong way! She'd spun the handlebars round somehow and it was now impossible for her to reach the brake levers. Anyway, that was a relief and from there on, progress was a little better - that is, until two separate falls, neither of which I witnessed. Her knees were just recovering from her fall 10 days ago when we cycled up to Judy's blueberry farm, but they're now an even bigger mess. The dogs enjoy licking the blood spots, however.

Here's Jo, riding across a bridge between two parts of the trail, just after her second fall today:

To give you an idea of what Cade's football camp final day looked like:

While the Lesinas are away, Jo and I are going to take another epic circular road trip round bits of Oregon we've never been to before. Just 2 nights away but about 12 hours of driving.

Monday and Tuesday were really quiet. A few of us were feeling a bit down - not bad enough to lie in bed, but just enough to take the edge off our appetites and desire to exercise or do anything productive. About all I managed to do was do a bit of car transporting for Lucy's cars.

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