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Friday 28 August 2015

Problem solved?

It's Friday morning and the roofer has just been. Observant chap that he is, he noticed the bottom of our downpipe at ground level had somehow been squeezed virtually flat, and, as a result, it was blocked with debris, meaning that when we get really heavy rain - like we did on Saturday night and Monday, and when we were in USA - the pipe just backs up with water, which then cascades down through our bedroom window. He sawed off the bottom section and proved his point:

He went up on the roof - brave man! - and checked the flashings etc and there was a small bit of damage caused by the water backing up, so he fixed that as well. Job done - hopefully.

I went on another longish cycle yesterday and when I came back, I noticed there was activity on the old Tor-na-Coille filling station site. It's been the subject of various planning discussions etc, but agreement has finally been reached and the development is going ahead at last, so they were erecting the advertising sign yesterday. I stopped and spoke to Alan Buchan, who told me they have sold one already. The price is £325K for a 2 bedroom, 2 storey town house style. The timing is not ideal from his point of view, given the current downturn in the Oil sector, but at least the site will be tidied up now - albeit all the trees are coming down:

A day of rest for me today, I think. Jo has got her swimming this afternoon, but I've had 3 days in a row of exercise and that's enough for now, I think. Relax until this evening's Headbang sounds like a plan.

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