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Friday 5 December 2014


It's still only 4 pm, but here's Friday's diary entry. Jo seems a lot better and is now looking forward to dinner tonight - albeit she's still unsure about whether to have any wine. If I was a betting man, however ......

Jo and her pals didn't go swimming this afternoon but they still took a trip over to Westhill to do a Costco shop - after we'd walked down to the village and had a bite of lunch in the Burnett. I decided to go out for a short cycle this afternoon before the sun went down - the light starts to go about 3:30 pm at this time of year.

I was surprised I hadn't had the results of my MRI scan yet and my attempts to contact my knee surgeon had been fruitless so far, so, when I received a letter from our GP's practice today, asking me to call to make an appointment for their cardio clinic, I thought I would take the chance to check whether they had received the results of my scan - and it appears they had, so I'm going to see them on Monday. It seems a pretty convoluted way to do things - now I'm probably going to have to be referred back to the knee surgeon by my GP - seems like a lot of wasted time.

Incidentally, I couldn't get in to the cardio clinic - apparently the next one is 15th January and we're gone by then.

There's also a little uncertainty about Luca coming over tomorrow as well. Gary is contemplating entering a race on Sunday morning - his first since his collapse at Dinnet - but it's his office night out tonight and if he wakes with a hangover tomorrow, he may think twice about entering.

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