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Tuesday 8 January 2013



In the end, Kelly, Jo and I did go to see Les Miserables last night - and it was great. Kelly was feeling a little brighter, having slept virtually all day.

While we were doing that, Chris and Ross had a night on the town with a bunch of Chris' pals. They left here before 6 pm and didn't get back until after midnight, so I guess a few beers were sunk - along with some pizza and, when almost home, Adelaide's equivalent of the late-night kebab:

Sounds worse than it tastes, according to Ross.

This morning, only Kelly and I rose early so we decided to walk in to the city centre. Chris roused eventually - just in time to join us. It was a really nice day to be out, with temperatures peaking in the low 30's - ideal.

We then all drove to the beach at Henley and had some lunch. Kelly and Chris then headed back for their 4:30 pm gym session (having missed their usual early morning one) whilst the 3 of us took a walk along the esplanade south from Henley, heading towards Glenelg, which was a bit too far away to walk and still get back in time for dinner. We did manage a quick walk up the pier at Henley first of all, however:

Jo, Ross and I, after a few chapters of our books, then caught the bus back to Norwood - and now we're getting ready to go out for a bite locally tonight.

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