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Tuesday 5 June 2012

Onward to the next milestone


Hey! - we've passed 20,000 viewings of this blog - and that's not counting those family members who receive it by e-mail and never actually log on to the blog itself. Give yourselves all a big hand.

I'm in the almost unique position of having all my blogs pretty much up to date. Normally, I have a backlog and have to prioritise which blogs to post to first. Generally, if photos have been taken somewhere then that particular blog is the next to be done.

This all led to me thinking about summarising the stats for my blogs. I now have a total of 9 blogs. I started with my main diary style blog over 5 years ago - on 12th March, 2007, to be exact. I then opened the Football, Golf and Squash ones the following year, and then the Music one late in 2009. The next year brought 2 more - Beer and Hill-Walking, and the Chronicles started last year and Pet Hates this year.

I've now posted 1,702 separate blogs, of which the most frequent is, of course, my main diary one, which has now been posted on 915 occasions - almost every other day since it started. It gets an average viewing of almost 22 per post, but the most read seems to be the Squash one, which averages 61 viewings per post.

If you've never checked the others out, here's the full list and the links:

Pet Hates

I'm sure that was rivetting reading, but what else do I have to say today? Not much - I was supposed to be travelling down to Gleneagles to have lunch and play golf, but there's been an outbreak of the norovirus there ( so we're giving that a body swerve and heading to Royal Aberdeen instead. There's a report that Gleneagles are going to have to pay out up to £200K in compensation!

Luca's been with us the last 2 nights and he's been a good boy - as usual. This morning I went down for breakfast and I spotted him in his room, sitting on his bed quietly reading his books, not disturbing anyone.

We opted out of going along to the St Ternan's Jubilee Fair last night and also missed the lighting of the beacon on Scolty Hill. Both were really too late for our little grandson.

Tomorrow, it's the Senior Open at Banchory for me, but the forecast isn't too good - hope they're wrong.

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