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Wednesday 25 January 2012



What can I say? No sooner had Jo left for Inverurie yesterday afternoon than the loft insulation workmen started to do that thing that it seems tradesmen all round the world have perfected - the long, slow intake of breath as they consider how they can sting the poor mug punter for a bit more.

The insulation in our loft is of differing thicknesses, as explained to us by Carillion's surveyor when he priced the job a couple of weeks ago. Strangely enough, the thinner it is, and the more insulation you need to bring the thickness up to modern standards, then the cheaper it is, as the Government part finance the scheme, giving the most help to those lofts that require it the most.

Well, the workmen yesterday disagreed with their own surveyor and said they could not possibly put in the thickness that the surveyor had quoted us for - not unless, of course, we were willing to pay £100 or so more! Bloody typical - the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing.

I proclaimed our innocence in all this - we hadn't measured the loft, nor decided on the existing thickness of the insulation - but we had signed a contract with Carillion for a certain amount of insulation at an agreed price and I think they should honour that contract.

Anyway, the workmen left and I've now put in my formal complaint and we await their response.

So, tonight is the golf club's AGM - and that will formally signal the end of my one year spell on the Committee. I've got mixed feelings - I don't feel I did much during my time, nor did I feel I had a real job to do anyway, but I didn't feel I could change matters from within either, and, given the amount of time we're going to be away from home this year, I wasn't going to be able to contribute more in 2012.

Hope to get a game of squash tomorrow - haven't had any exercise at all since last week. I should really be at Bannatyne's just now, but I keep finding additional things to do - like this blog - it seems like I'm dodging the gym. Should I give up my membership? I don't think I've even been there once a month since I had my knee ops 15 months or so ago.

That's it for today - I'll just add the quick photo that I took with my Blackberry this morning and put on Facebook - me with my new PTFC mug in the office:

It always looks slightly weird when you hold the camera and take a photo of yourself!

1 comment:

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Thanks too!!

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