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Saturday 10 December 2011

Another week flashes by


Another week of my life has flashed by - what have I done? A bit of golf on Sunday, a couple of games of squash and a lot of work. I also saw another solar panel supplier on Thursday - still not sure whether to do this or not - the payback still seems reasonable despite the Government halving the incentive - you have to have the system installed by tomorrow to still qualify for the higher rates. Our house is south facing and the roof pitch is good, but, despite being 3 storeys high, the tall trees between us and the main road may reduce the amount of power we can generate.

This morning, Jo and I went to the Apple store in Aberdeen and bought her Xmas present - and sat through the introductory course on the i-Pad. We were there for a couple of hours, then we went out to pick up Luca - and we left Inverurie just in time to see Carole's new car being delivered. Luca was posing outside the house as we waited for the car:

and finally, it arrived:

On the way back to Banchory, we detoured past Costco to check out the TV's - the one we had in our bedroom (Dad's old one) packed up a couple of weeks ago, so we're treating ourselves to a new ones for Christmas. I also took the time to check out the glasses - I've still not replaced my broken reading glasses and have been surviving using an old pair found lying in a drawer, that used to belong to one of the kids.  I spotted these ones - what do you think?:

Driving back to Banchory, Luca went quiet - we thought he was getting sleepy, but it turned out he was feeling sick - and he threw up. He's absolutely fine now, however - playing with his Lego.

Ross is working tomorrow (Sunday) and Jo is going to church. Gary normally takes Luca to football practice on Sunday morning, but he's on call this weekend and they've got a big job on and he'll be working, so I'm going to skip golf and take Luca to football.

Dawn, Kieran and Jordon are coming up tomorrow afternoon - that'll be nice.

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