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Monday 25 April 2011



Yes, I'm blogging in the office again, but why not? There's little else doing today. First thing this morning, I tried to do 2 things - firstly, buy and sell some currencies online, and secondly, make an enquiry on the Companies House web site. Guess what? I couldn't do either of them. I thought that part of the attraction of doing things online is that you can a) work remotely, and b) work out of hours - but both the Clydesdale Bank's FX site and Companies House were offline because it's Easter!

And while I'm moaning, since when did Easter Sunday become Easter Day? That's what all the media people call it now. Was this change based on religious advice or does it just sound more trendy?

Anyway, we had a nice Easter (Sun)day. After I returned from our walk up Bennachie (see hill-walking blog for photos), Gary, Carole and Luca came over and we had an excellent, albeit high in cholesterol, feast. Luca brought his pre-school pack over with him - it contains a few puzzles etc, and he set about completing one of them immediately. He raced through it, then smiled up at us - amn't I a smart guy, the face said:

Jo and Carole at the table:

Ross looks a bit morose here, but sleep deprivation was the real cause:

Meanwhile Gary kept Luca entertained:

Luca made it through to his treat - chocolate ice cream - yummy:

Plans for the rest of the week? Well tonight there's a New Members evening at the golf club, and being on the Committee now, I feel I should show willing and go along. Tomorrow we're going to see Joe Brown at the Music Hall - I told Gary yesterday and he said who? Sam Brown's Dad, I responded. What?!!!!, he said. Read and learn - He's 70 this year - same age as Dylan, and he's an MBE now as well.

Wednesday is golf night and that's about it. Have a good one.

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