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Monday 27 December 2010

Christmas/Boxing Day


Jo wearing her Christmas present - a starfish shaped pendant:

I tried to use the old wine bottle opener that we got a number of years ago in USA - it prises the cork out- or at least it's supposed to - but on this occasion the cork just fell in to the bottle, splashing wine everywhere. I had no option but to decant the wine, and all I could find was a huge big jug - not the prettiest sight for the dinner table:

On Boxing Day, Gary, Carole and Luca arrived. Luca was first to open his presents - this one was a remote control car that Ross bought him:

After dinner, Carole tried to get a quick 40 winks, but Luca was having none of it:

We then got the Lego opened:

but Gary looked a bit pensive - perhaps thinking about his most recent promotion at work?:

Jo, too, was obviously thinking about something:

So that's our holiday photos. I also managed to talk to Barry and Dawn on the phone and Lucy Skyped us, but Kelly was visiting friends and didn't have Skype access, so it was just a quick exchange of texts, but hopefully we can Skype later in the week.

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