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Monday 29 March 2010

Sun no more

Saturday was but a brief early glimpse of spring in Oregon it seems. Since then, it's got cool and rainy - and it's forecast to stay that way all week. Never mind - we'll amuse ourselves somehow, but it looks as if the tans will be washed off by the time we get back.

On Sunday, Scott drove his truck over to the coast to deliver the truck canopy he had borrowed back to his Dad, whilst Jo and Lucy went to church and I babysat the boys. It was a quiet day and we just had Lucy's home-made hambone soup for tea - and very nice it was too.

Today it's back to the old routine for the Lesinas - school and work holidays are over. Jo and I went to the Y for the first time - Jo did 32 lengths and I spent some time in the gym. It's Scott's birthday today, so we picked up a cake for tonight on the way home to let Holly out of her cage. I'm watching the Man City - Wigan match just now and the pack will soon be home - we have to be waiting for the school bus at 2:30 pm - Braeden has to be seen to be passed over to a responsible adult - do we qualify?

Anyway, some photos perhaps? First of all, when we had the beautiful sunshine on Saturday, the boys couldn't wait to get out on their trampoline:

Daddy was pretty excited too - he'd just bought a dirt bike (I think that's what you call it) and was up at the crack of dawn putting new forks on:

Scott says it's to keep the boys company when they go on theirs - but we're not so sure, are we?

On Sunday, after sitting around the house all day, I felt I had to shake myself out of my lethargy so I jumped on Scott's bike for a short run round the estate and down to the river:

Today, it's just Holly and us just now - she's a cutie all right - with boundless energy:

Of course, one word from us and she does what the heck she likes:

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