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Monday 1 February 2010

Monday again

Mixed weekend on the sporting front. Terrible performance from Aberdeen on Saturday and the Jags lost too in Inverness - kind of glad we didn't go in the end. Andy was well beaten on Sunday morning, but I'm sure he'll be back, stronger than ever - hopefully to wipe that ever so slightly smug grin off the Swiss ace's face. Much better in the afternoon with Man U taking Arsenal apart.

We had lovely steak fajitas at Carole's last night, and a nice little chat about plans for the wedding. There had been snow flurries all day however, and, when we drove over to Inverurie, the wind had blown the snow on to the side roads and they weren't easy. We decided for our return journey to come back in to Aberdeen and then head out on the North Deeside from there. I was driving, but it was Jo's car (it has the car seat) - and I had left my driving glasses in my car! We made it OK, but it took us a fair while to get home and then, of course, the kitchen had to be cleaned up. Finally, I settled down to watch a bit of the late night golf from Torrey Pines - a course I had played when we were in San Diego - but no cup of tea for me - no milk left! I made do with a glass of wine, but then fell asleep sitting up on the sofa. Jo eventually came down to see if I was OK, so I headed up to bed to watch the end of the golf up there.

Today, I'm in the Aberdeen office awaiting a visitor from Edinburgh. We're then supposed to be going up to Fraserburgh, but it's likely he may have to cancel as the journey would probably take too long and we wouldn't achieve what we wanted as there wouldn't be enough time left.

It's all been a bit dull diary prose from me recently - I'll need to get some photos taken to brighten the blog up visually at least. Meanwhile, what about a Word of the Day? I've got a few new apps for my Blackberry and one of them is a Dictionary/Thesaurus - it would be very handy if I was still doing crosswords. Anyway, they have a word of the day feature in this app, and today's word is MONDEGREEN. What does it mean? - "A word or phrase resulting from a misinterpretation of a word or phrase that has been heard." It further goes on to say:

• Mondegreens can be found in every area of the spoken word, from the record buyer who asks for a copy of the Queen single "Bohemian Rap City" to the schoolchild who is convinced that the Pledge of Allegiance begins "I led the pigeons to the flag."

Think of anyone close who daily uses Mondegreens?

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