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Sunday 20 September 2009


It was a hit by Bobby Darin ( in 1962, but he was singing about the human race - but it's happening to the cars in our driveway. My hope in my last blog posting was that we might be losing one of them soon, but when I came home from work on Friday, the exact opposite had happened and another one had appeared - the Audi convertible, which had been parked at D.I.S.C. next door, had been moved in to our driveway, apparently at the suggestion of Derek Glass, who didn't think it was a good idea to leave a soft top there, out of site.

So this is the view from our balcony now:

Jo's hurt her back again - she walked to the garden centre today and she said it was the walk back downhill that did it. Incidentally, she still hasn't taken Kelly's top off - she's worn it every day since she left! She's on a diet again - poor girl. Hopefully she won't let it spoil her fun when we go to Exeter next weekend - the trip we planned to see Kelly and Craig in Cornwall before they left for Oz.
Dad's still in hospital and not eating or drinking, but he's on a drip and hopefully the laxatives will work soon - or it will be an enema for him. Dawn said he looked terrible yesterday - hardly surprising, I suppose.

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