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Monday 27 October 2008

Camera shy Luca

Gary and Luca did eventually manage over yesterday. The first thing he did was run over to get a book and jump up on his Granny Jo's lap to get her to read to him. I took the camera out to try to get a photo but, as usual, like his mother, he managed to look away every time I clicked. Jo tried to encourage him to smile at the camera and eventually almost succeeded:

More medical news - Jacquie, our secretary, got the all-clear when she had her colonostomy this morning. Now all she has to worry about is when her husband Tom is going to get his triple bypass - he was prepared for it on Thursday morning but they had to cancel at the last minute as there wasn't a bed for him in the ICU - apparently there had been a couple of kids in road accidents and they took priority.

Jo's just back from the hospital - X-ray results in a couple of weeks - but her visit to the Doctor this morning was OK - her cholesterol was a little raised but nothing to get alarmed about. Her ECG results were also fine, although she still has a stress ECG to do.

And I've had my flu jab - ouch!

Hospitalisations could be an interesting list:

1) Medial ligament rupture - 1970
2) Rhinitis -1976
3) Peritonitis and appendectomy - 1977
4) Endoscopy - 1995
5) Cardioversion - 2005

It's only when I write them down that I realise I've had a few incidents - who can beat 5?

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