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Friday 15 August 2008


Had a chance to play 5 a sides again tonight - but declined - didn't want to risk my ankle yet. Planning a lunchtime trip to Bannatyne's - it's going be painful going back there after all this time! I asked Jo if she wanted to come in some time today, but she said she didn't know what she was doing and so declined - probably more coffee planned with Anne!

Kelly and Craig are up this weekend and are at a wedding today, so it'll be tomorrow before we see them. Climbing Scolty is on the agenda for some - but probably not me, if I get a game of golf in the morning. The forecast is pretty dreich again - we haven't been very lucky since we came back.

Other than that, it's just a routine Friday - the Legion is tonight's drinking venue.

I chased up CALA's agents again asking for a copy of their revised plans - they didn't reply to my first message. I'm probably on their black list!

Historic Scotland finally found their records on the Tor-na-Coille hotel - an application was made back in 2004/05 - apparently through Aberdeenshire Council - to have the building listed, but was rejected after inspection on the following grounds:

"Although there is a fine Victorian structure at the core, it has been seriously eroded by
large extensions to both East and North, as well as some large out-of-character dormer
additions and a lift shaft which completely destroy the fine roofline, particularly to the
principal elevation.
Also impeding inclusion in the statutory list is the fact that the garden grounds have been
divided and built on, weakening the integrity of the original setting.
The interior details are fine but limited only to 2 ground floor rooms while the rest of the
rooms have been altered for use as hotel accommodation and are generally very plain."

Bang goes another potential avenue of resistance!

The birthday gift we got for Gary - a digital radio system - has apparently broken down already. Hope he can get it sorted out through the warranty.

Useless fact of the day - there are 7 days in a week - 5 working and 2 weekend. (That one was for you, Gary - you still seem reluctant to go to Spain for a full week!)

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