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Wednesday 30 July 2008


Not much to report - another quiet day - Jo and I finished reading our books - and it was Jo's last one - we may have to go back to Barnes & Noble in Medford and buy more. I topped up last week and bought 3 more - the one I read first was Barack Obama's latest, The Audacity of Hope - as he has a good chance of being the most powerful man on the planet in just a few months, I thought it might be useful to find out something about him. It was pretty interesting - he came over pretty well. Anyway it's now back to Grisham - Playing for Pizza - pretty short - should rattle through this one, leaving me just Geoff Emerick's book. Who he, you say? Well, he was the engineer at Abbey Road in the '60's and worked closely with George Martin on much of that era's music.

We shopped for piñatas ( for Cade's double birthday celebrations this weekend - we leave on his actual birthday on Sunday so we're having an early party on Saturday - and then he gets another one on Sunday! Cade got a skateboard and a football as his 2 piñatas. He went to football conditioning again at 5:30 - Scott took him there whilst Jo and Lucy took some of the huge volume of surplus toys off to a church sale and I babysat Braeden - boy, does he talk! We played on the slide, then went in the pool, hot tub and then played Wii golf - he never stopped!

Lucy made curry for tea and she and Jo were in their element - note "relaxed" hairstyle of our new retiree - don't you think it looks better this way?:

Cade ran a temperature overnight so Lucy and he are going nowhere today - perhaps Jo and I will take a trip out?

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