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Friday 28 December 2007

Empty Nest Syndrome

Well, they've all gone now. Carole, Gary and Luca are back in Inverurie getting ready for their trip down south tomorrow to visit Carole's family, and Kelly and Craig snuck out at 6:00 am this morning. They had said they were getting up at 5 and I awakened then but they didn't actually rise until 5:45. I laid in bed awake expecting them to come in and say goodbye but the next thing I heard was their car pulling out of the drive! I wasn't even going in to work this morning and could have had a long lie, but thought I'd better be awake to see them off!

Ah well, just Ross, Jo and I now.

Got a meeting with the Laird this morning concerning the squash courts - not holding my breath, but we'll wait and see.

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